Collaborative land-based
climate research and youth empowerment
Our Work
In 2023, in a new expression of its mission, Smokey House Center launched a Living Lab to advance practical climate adaptations across its landscape. A living laboratory tests and trials new ideas in a real life setting. Through applied research on our 5,000 acre property, we are developing innovative and replicable practices in collaboration with farmers, foresters, and scientists to help our communities adapt to the climate crisis. By engaging directly in the land-based research taking place, youth are empowered to develop the courage and hone the skills needed to build a future that is full of abundance, resilience, and beauty for all of us and the ecosystems we exist within.

Our Ecotone
An ecotone is a region of transition between two habitats - for example the place where a forest and a field meet - that is more diverse and abundant than either single habitat. Smokey House Center is dedicated to building a community that mirrors the beauty and productivity of an ecotone, where people of all races, ethnic and economic backgrounds, gender identities, sexual orientations, religions, ages, political viewpoints, lived experiences and abilities are encouraged to participate in and impact the organization's work and decision making. In order to make this possible, Smokey House Center recognizes that it will need to allocate its resources thoughtfully so that everyone involved is able to participate fully and equally in our shared work and enjoy equal access to desirable outcomes.